
Corpus Christi Bedsore Lawyers

Serving Woodland Spring, Surrounding Counties & West Texas

Bedsores are problems that commonly arise in nursing homes. Facilities in which residents suffer from bedsores are almost always found to be negligent. That is because, with proper resident care and supervision, the potential for bedsores is substantially reduced. 

Bedsores that become serious are considered to be “never events” by the medical community, meaning they should never occur. Unfortunately, they do occur in Texas nursing homes, causing pain, discomfort, and distress for residents and putting them at risk for serious complications. 

If you have a family member being cared for in a nursing home or senior care facility who has developed bedsores, you should bring it to the attention of the management. If you believe negligence was involved, you may want to speak with our legal team to discuss your options. 

At Williams Attorneys, we have handled numerous nursing home negligence and abuse cases in which victims have suffered needlessly. Our experienced team can help you put an end to this type of behavior. Furthermore, your loved one may be entitled to financial compensation for their damages. 

How Do Bedsores Happen? 

Bedsores develop on individuals who are immobile and remain in one position too long without shifting. They are commonly seen in patients who are bedridden or confined to wheelchairs. 

Bedsores, also known as pressure sores or ulcers, develop due to constant contact and friction between the bony areas of the body and the surface of a bed or chair. Common body areas for bedsores are the shoulder blades, heels, elbows, and tailbone. 

Without shifting, the skin in these areas becomes damaged. A bedsore can start out as a dark patch of skin or blister and proceed through various deteriorating stages until it becomes an open wound. 

When a treatable bedsore is neglected or ignored leading to an open wound, infections can develop that can be fatal. Nursing home staff are expected to be vigilant in identifying and treating bedsores at their earliest signs to avoid such an outcome. 

These facilities are expected to have plans established to prevent these injuries. If they do not, they may be liable for compensation for the victim’s pain and suffering, medical expenses associated with treatment, and other costs of negligence or abuse. 

Don't wait to get started. Contact our  Corpus Christi bedsoreattorneys today for a free consultation at (361) 866-5535.


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Founded on Care, Compassion, & Family Values

As a family of injury lawyers, our Corpus Christi bedsore attorneys understand how entire families can suffer when any of their own have been harmed through neglect or mistreatment. 

We expect those to whom we entrust our seniors to treat them with the care and compassion they deserve. Let us protect your loved one from neglect, seek the compensation your family deserves for the harm done, and help put a stop to further injury from negligent nursing homes and senior care facilities. 

Contact us for a free consultation at (361) 866-5535.


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